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How Compression Sleeves for Arms Can Help with Muscle Recovery

In Compression Therapy, Science & Education, Tips & Guides by AdminLeave a Comment

If you’ve ever experienced muscle soreness and discomfort after a particularly strenuous workout or sports activity, you’re not alone. Intense physical activity can lead to muscle fatigue, inflammation, and even injury. Luckily, there’s a simple solution that can make a world of difference in your recovery process: a compression sleeve for arms. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the science behind compression

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Tips for a Happy, Healthy 2021

In Tips & Guides by Admin7 Comments

The New Year signals a new opportunity to make positive changes in your life. Whether or not you are personally impacted from lymphedema, this is an excellent time to take renewed charge of your life. We put together a few ideas for kicking off the 2021 right

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Can Allergies Trigger a Lymphedema Flare-Up?

In Tips & Guides by Admin2 Comments

When it comes to lymphedema and allergies, there is relatively little solid evidence that the two are directly linked. But that’s not to say there is no connection. Indeed, there is some anecdotal evidence that lymphedema flare-ups may be linked to worsening allergy symptoms. Accordingly, addressing your allergies may help with managing lymphedema symptoms. Consult your doctor for recommendations regarding …

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The Importance of Keeping Up With Medical Treatments During COVID-19

In Health & Fitness, Tips & Guides by Admin1 Comment

The COVID crisis has altered virtually every aspect of life. Everything from schools and restaurants to houses of worship have been shuttered, as people try to avoid close contact with others. And for good reason. Exposure to this dangerous, highly transmissible virus must be avoided as much as possible if we are to protect one another. New evidence suggests that …

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How Long Should You Wear Your Compression Socks?

In Compression Therapy, Tips & Guides by Admin7 Comments

How Long Should You Wear Your Compression Socks? People wear compression socks for a variety of reasons. Patients diagnosed with the irreversible condition known as lymphedema, for instance, will almost invariably be prescribed compression wear to help control swelling in an affected limb or body part. Because lymphedema is incurable, it’s important for patients to follow the advice of their …

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Accept and Embrace Your Compression Sleeves

In Compression Therapy, Tips & Guides by Admin5 Comments

For many breast cancer survivors, the sudden occurrence of lymphedema is an unexpected — and decidedly unwelcome. Having endured the fear, pain, and trauma of therapies designed to help them survive their dreaded disease, it’s no wonder many women view the development of lymphedema as an insult to injury. Lymphedema is a chronic, incurable condition in which certain parts of …