Lymphedema is frequently associated with women following successful treatments for breast cancer. Breast cancer often requires the removal or irradiation of lymph nodes in the armpits or chest, which can trigger the lymphatic dysfunction that results in chronic lymphedema. This common depiction, though, does not fully encapsulate the lymphedema community. Men Are Susceptible Too Lymphedema is by no means exclusive …
The Relationship Between Lymphedema and Cellulitis
Cellulitis is a fairly common condition among people suffering from lymphedema. It involves infection of the internal, living layer of the skin, known as the dermis—and the tissue immediately beneath the skin; called subcutaneous tissue—in affected areas, such as the upper arm, or more commonly, the legs. Lymphedema and cellulitis enjoy an unfortunate relationship; cellulitis can trigger new instances of …
Get to Know Your Lymph Nodes
Lymph nodes are tiny, round (or bean-shaped) structures distributed throughout your body. They serve as biological filters of a sort, helping to trap and eliminate potentially dangerous germs, such as bacteria or viruses, which might otherwise do you harm. In some places—such as under the arms, in the groin, and in the neck—they cluster in groups. You may even be …
Could Lymphaticovenous Bypass Offer New Hope for Lymphedema Patients?
New research that suggests a combination of certain anti-inflammatory compounds already in use can stop and even reverse the progression of lymphedema when the condition is caught early enough. Now, a new surgical procedure called lymphaticovenous bypass (LVB) may be able to reverse lymphedema even after it is established. Present research into this groundbreaking surgery is focused on lymphedema of …
Could You Be Predisposed to Lymphedema?
Lymphedema is a chronic condition that emerges for many patients after they’ve undergone certain treatments for cancer. That’s because radiation and/or surgical removal of tissues (often including some or all lymph nodes) can have a damaging effect on the lymphatic system in the affected area. Physical trauma is another potential trigger for lymphedema; perhaps subsequent to an accident, or following …
Are Compression Boots the Real Deal?
Compression boots are the latest fad among certain well-heeled elite athletes, not to mention aspiring weekend warriors. You may not have heard of these boots, but they’re gaining traction. So what are they, and do they really deliver significant exercise-recovery benefits? Also known as air compression boots, or compression recovery boots, these devices consist of a pair of spacesuit-looking (Antarctic …
Can Early Detection Lead to Lymphedema Prevention?
Can Early Detection Lead to Lymphedema Prevention? Lymphedema is a condition that may manifest at any time after treatment for breast cancer. While it may appear within weeks of radiation, surgery, or other therapies, it may also occur at any point within five years, or longer, after a woman has undergone successful treatment for her cancer. Lymphedema prevention is a …
Preventing Lymphedema after Breast Cancer
The statistics regarding lymphedema following breast cancer diagnosis and treatment may appear a bit discouraging at first. But things are not entirely grim. For instance, a 2009 study concluded that up to 42% of breast cancer survivors experienced some form of lymphedema within five years of receiving treatment.
Caring For Your Skin With Lymphedema
Most patients affected by lymphedema eventually discover that the skin in affected areas undergoes certain changes compared to skin covering other parts of the body. Lymphedema is characterized by an inappropriate buildup of lymph in the spaces between cells, which leads to swelling, discomfort and other problems in the affected localized area.
Venous Insufficiency 101
As the name implies, venous insufficiency is a condition characterized by veins that do not work as well as they should. Of course, the job of veins is to return oxygen- and nutrient-depleted blood from the body’s organs and tissues back to the heart and lungs, for immediate re-oxygenation and recirculation.