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How Yoga Can Help with Lymphedema

In Health & Fitness by Admin9 Comments

Lymphedema is a condition that cannot be cured. But it can be treated and managed. The trick is to find ways to minimize symptoms, avoid progression, manage one’s illness, and enhance quality of life. In addition to faithfully wearing their compression garments, many patients wonder if there are other steps they can take to alleviate the swelling and discomfort associated with their condition.

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Top Foods that Fight Inflammation

In Health & Fitness by Admin12 Comments

So, what, exactly does an anti-inflammatory diet look like? For that, we need only look to the Mediterranean diet. Studied for decades, this dietary pattern features plenty of whole foods, including vegetables, herbs, fruit, nuts, legumes, and whole grains. It also features fish. And very little red meat. The primary oil in the Mediterranean diet is olive oil, and some experts believe this may be one of the crucial keys to the healthful effects of the diet.

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Factors that Can Make Lymphedema Worse

In Health & Fitness, Tips & Guides by Admin2 Comments

People living with a diagnosis of lymphedema know they must remain vigilant and take steps to control the symptoms-and progression-of their condition. Most patients will have received instructions about how to don and doff appropriate medical-grade compression wear. They may also have received instructions regarding the role of healthful diet, adequate exercise, and other lifestyle factors in managing this disease.

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Can You Benefit from Compression Therapy?

In Compression Therapy, Health & Fitness, Science & Education by Admin2 Comments

While compression therapy is well-known as a useful treatment practice for Lymphedema and a number of other medical conditions, there are benefits to its use for many people without medical diagnoses. This is especially true if you participate in activities that can cause stress to your joints and connective tissue, or that cause circulation and blood flow problems. Some of these activities might surprise you

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Tips for Traveling with Lymphedema

In Health & Fitness, Tips & Guides by Admin8 Comments

Lymphedema is a chronic condition that patients must work to manage in order to continue living a normal life. Among the various challenges facing lymphedema patients is the issue of how best to prepare for travel. The idea is to make any journey as safe and comfortable as possible, while avoiding anything that might make your symptoms worse.

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The Science of Compression Garments

In Compression Therapy, Health & Fitness, Science & Education by Admin2 Comments

Lymphedema Many injuries are treated with RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. RICE helps reduce inflammation and swelling. Some of these solutions are obvious. But compression warrants a closer look. Compression works by helping the circulatory system do its job. The circulatory system consists of veins, which carry oxygen-poor blood from the body’s tissues to the heart and lungs