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5 Reasons to Wear Compression Leggings

In Compression Therapy, Fashion & Style, Health & Fitness by AdminLeave a Comment

Have you ever wondered why some athletes wear specialized tights when working out? Those are called compression leggings, and they can be incredibly helpful in improving their performance. These garments come in the form of medical compression leggings, too, which can be practical for those who suffer from lymphedema and poor circulation but would like to remain physically active.

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Coping with Lymphedema in the Hot Summer Months

In Compression Therapy, Health & Fitness, Science & Education by Admin2 Comments

Summer is the best time of the year for many people. But if you have lymphedema, it can easily become your most despised season. This is especially true if you live in an area with extreme hot summers where the heat can cause discomfort and swelling. While you can’t control the weather, you can definitely do something about improving your safety and comfort despite the heat and humidity. Having the right lymphedema products can help.